Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Here's a laugh for you!

What a sweet smile despite all the bruises, scrapes, and whiffle ball marks on her head! It was quite the day!

So, last night we're playing outside. It's time to go in to take a bath. Zoey is first going into the house and is saying to me "It's my house, mom. It's my house." To which I'm replying "It's our house". Zoey goes inside, shuts the screen door, looks at me and says "It's my house!"... and proceeds to lock it! Matt and I are trying to talk her through unlocking it (it's a fairly hard push) without success. Meanwhile, Eli is screaming because he's pooped and it's coming out the diaper so we can't really hold him in a comfortable way. Matt trys to take the door off the track. No luck. He tries to take the screen off Zoey's bedroom window. No luck. (Eli's still screaming.) I go to the neighbors to use their phone (with 2 pink and purple glittery flower clips on the top of my head of course!). Matt is still trying to talk Zoey through unlocking the door. She finally gets it pushed up a enough for Matt to get the bottom of the door open and is able to pull hard enough to make the top open. Wow! What an adventure! What else is yet to come?!

1 comment:

Jen and Lot said...

Oh my gosh! What an adventure! I was laughing so hard reading this. I know it wasn't funny when it was happening. : )
Oh Zoey!