Thursday, September 28, 2006

So sweet!

Since Zoey wasn't feeling well this past week, she wanted to be held more than usual. I love this picture! She just snuggled into Matt and soon fell asleep!


Sometimes Zoey is more interested in chewing on the highchair than eating cereal!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

More fun for us or Zoey?

Matt really enjoys putting this teething blanket over Zoey's head... she tries to grab the pacifier, but she reaches to far out in front of her face. She also opens her mouth and tries to get the pacifier in, but again, her depth perception fails her!

It is hilarious! (more so to us than Zoey!)

Zoey had her 4 month check up this past week... 17 pounds 7 ounces! Wow! Everywhere we go people say, "She's a big girl!" or "She's only 4 months old?!". There's just more of her to love!

Zoey's getting over her 2nd cold. Lots of boogers... boy it's fun to pick someone elses nose! :)


Saturday, September 16, 2006

It's been 4 months already?!

Zoey turned 4 months old yesterday! We can't even believe how fast it has gone! She can sit unsupported now for a little while and can catch her balance most of the time when she wobbles around. She is losing her "bobble head" as her neck is getting stronger and stronger!

Her feet have been of great interest to her lately! And she is still loving her exersaucer.

We think she's getting close to laughing... she's been making some different noises when smiling lately! We can't wait to hear it!

I don't know how it's possible, but we love her more and more each day!


Monday, September 11, 2006


Here's Zoey after eating! The bib says it all!

Time to eat!

Zoey ate cereal for the first time this morning! We think she's been ready for weeks... she "yells" at us at dinnertime until we pick her up and hold her at the table with us, she watches our food and us eating it... so we thought we'd try. It was fun and she did a pretty good job! Although more came back out of her mouth than stayed in, she did eat a tiny bit. She's on her way to bigger and better things (i.e. pizza, chocolate)!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Change of scenery

While I was checking my email, Matt put Zoey on my shoulders. I think she had a fun time... she looked around and tried to get my head in her mouth (anything she can grab onto, she'll pull to her mouth!)!

Who are these people, dad?

Wally and Tiffany were in town last weekend for the Illini game and we got to visit over lunch at Chili's. I don't know for sure, but it looks to me that Zoey may be thinking something along the lines of... "Is it okay that this guy is holding me?!". Just kidding, Wally. She had fun!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Going for a walk

We went for a walk last night and put Zoey in the big kids part of the stroller instead of in her car seat. The strap is lower, so she was down a little farther in the seat, but she was just leaning back, relaxing, and enjoying the scenery! I don't know who had more fun... her or us!

Why can't I get the whole thing in?!

Zoey is really enjoying her exersaucer! We added this hippo rattle to one of the poles and she loves it! She tries to put the whole thing in her mouth and gets frustrated when she can't! It is interesting to watch her try!