Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Last picture for today!

I love this picture of Zoey!

(Now that we have some freetime at night, we can keep up with this some more... which I went a little overboard tonight! Oh well, I love it and hope everyone does too!)

Abbey Posted by Picasa

New toy!

Zoey got an exersaucer this weekend (thanks to Teresa and the great second-hand baby store in Columbus!)! She really enjoys looking at everything and occassionally spinning and pushing things! Posted by Picasa


Teresa, Vaughn, and Meredith came to visit this past weekend! We had fun and it was way too short of a visit! Posted by Picasa

Sitting straighter!

Zoey is getting better and better sitting by herself (with a little help from the boppy!)! Posted by Picasa

More about Zoey sleeping!

This past weekend Zoey has started sleeping in her crib at night! It was a lot easier than I thought it would be... the past fews weeks have been rough because Zoey would just cry and cry at bedtime with us (she had been sleeping in bed with us). We started to flip her over on her stomach (that's how she takes naps - the one thing that finally worked!) and she would calm down. Then on Friday night we thought, "I wonder if she would go to sleep if we put her in her crib like we do for naps?". Sure enough it worked! I feel like I've been torturing her by having her cry in bed with us when it seems that this is all she needed! Once again, us not really understanding what she needs and taking forever to figure it out!

Zoey is also starting to be able to lay down awake and then fall asleep on her own! Before we had to rock her to sleep! I feel like I don't really know who this child is! :)

Although it is nice to have my space back in bed and that Zoey is getting some good, solid sleep... I am sad! She is growing up way too fast for me! Matt said to me this weekend, "Weren't you just talking about how you couldn't wait until we could just lay her in her crib and she would fall asleep on her own?". Well, I thought I would really enjoy it, but it makes me sad that she doesn't need me quite as much anymore. :( Okay, enough about my feelings because the better sleep has really helped Zoey not be so fussy (in addition to nighttime sleep, she also started taking a good, lengthy morning AND afternoon nap)!

Okay, I guess that's enough about sleep...

Abbey Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Diapers...Diapers...Diapers...and TV?!

Folks, this is how fast she is growing. She is already out of her newborn diapers! We use cloth diapers, of course. We do cheat though. She uses a so called "disposable" diaper at night. She sleeps better with it. Anyway, I just wanted to show you this funny picture of Zoey buried in diapers. We were having fun with them one day (they are all clean!)! Which reminds me of another picture of her and a diaper...but we're saving that one for another post. :)

So, Zoey seems to enjoy watching TV. Well, we haven't decided yet whether or not that is a bad thing. I know you all might have opinions. Comment and let us know what you think. The Baby Einstein videos start at newborn and go on up. Abbey read that children shouldn't watch TV until they are at least two years old! How crazy is that?! We don't know if either is the way to go, but there must be a happy median.

Speaking of TV...below is a link to a video of Zoey watching TV. This isn't her first time watching TV, but this is the first time that we actually put her in front of it with the purpose of her to watch it. Now, we only did this because we were having a rough night and she wouldn't fall asleep so we were just trying stuff. In hindsight, it probably wasn't the thing to do, but there was really nothing else to do. Anyway...we hope you enjoy it. She talks to the Baby Einstein video. It's hilarious!!!

Disclaimer - the website the video is on as limited usage space per hour, so if it doesn't come up, try again later! (Matt is trying to figure out how to avoid this!)

Click here for video!

-Matt Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Zoey's Favorite Toy

So, we have found Zoey's favorite toy. She will sit in front of this thing for like 30 minutes and be completely entertained. 30 minutes is a lot for a three month old!

And speaking of which, Zoey turned three months last Tuesday! It is really hard to believe. I was just saying to Abbey the other day, 'Does it really feel like three months?' We both feel like it has been a lifetime. Which is good because we want this to last as long as it can. We also were trying to think what we did before we had her. We came to the conclusion that we were very lazy!

As you can see from the picture Zoey can almost sit up by herself! As long as she has some backup support around her (my legs in this case) she can sit up. She'll do that for maybe 30 seconds and then she'll fall to one side. We'll help her up and then she'll do it again. Isn't that amazing!

Well that's all I got...


-Matt Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Who is that?!?!

Well, Zoey has started looking at herself in the mirror! It is so funny... she laughs, smiles, stares, and talks to herself!

Zoey has also stopped taking a good morning nap and the occassional afternoon nap. We are very frustrated and confused! Help! Give us suggestions!

She is trying her darndest to sit up! She is also getting frustrated with her bouncy seat toys because she can't quite get them to her mouth yet and she wants to so bad!

We're hoping her bowels are regulating a bit... she hasn't had an explosive poop in a week! But she has started to spit up, lots! I guess you win some and lose some!

Zoey drools like a slobbering St. Bernard! Where does it all come from?! Everything sure is amazing!

Abbey Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 05, 2006

What a week!

Hello everyone!

What a week it has been! Zoey has had 5 explosive poops (3 were when were out and about - yuck!)!!! Luckily, none of it got on me - just all over her and her clothes!

The most exciting part about the week - NAPS! Zoey has taken a morning nap all week long ( ranging 1.5 - 3 hours)! And 3 afternoon naps! I can't even describe how excited I am! I feel much more comfortable and sane (her not crying all the time has also contributed to this!)!

I love this picture of her - it's right after bathtime (which she likes now!). She is starting to look at the camera more and more.

Audrey came up yesterday and we went to Wal-Mart with Zoey. I think she really likes to go shopping! :) This is great for me, as I really like it also!

Zoey is hungry - must go!

Abbey Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Zoey and Her Never Ending Battle with Gravity

Hello all! It's been an exciting day!

As you can see from the picture, she is getting much better with laying on her stomach. She doesn't have it down yet, but she's getting there.

I bet you are saying, "So what is exciting about that?" Well, i'll tell you. I didn't see it, but Abbey saw Zoey for the first time roll over from her stomach to her back!!! This is great news. The problem she is having is sleeping on her own. If we put her in her crib on her back she doesn't stay asleep. (We still haven't gotten to the point where she can fall asleep on her own yet.) So the only way we can get her to nap in her crib is by putting herself on her stomach. She'll sleep anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours. She wakes up crying at that point. If she sleeps for 2 hours then I will gladly pick her up. But if she only sleeps for say 20 minutes then I want her to fall back asleep. Unfortunately she never does. I am hoping that if she can roll over that maybe she will be able to get more comfortable and then fall back asleep on her own. I was really excited when Abbey called me at work to tell me the news. You know what this means, right? She's growing up...sad.

-Matt Posted by Picasa