Monday, December 27, 2010


Zoey pulled things out one by one. Eli shook and shook until it all fell out!
She is actually extremely excited although her face doesn't look like it!
Eli asked Santa for a Barbie! :) He got one from the Beard's also. He is so happy!
So happy!
Look at that bone! Allie looks a little crazy or mad, but she was just having such a hard time picking that bone up and keeping it in her mouth! Hilarious!
A skateboard with a handle?!?! Ingenius!!!
Eli's quiet, what is he doing? Unwrapping ALL of the chocolate in his stocking... and eating a few! Look at that mustache! He said "I got all the trash off, Mommy!".

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas baking!

We made all of our Christmas cookies yesterday! It was fun and exhausting!
Reading the directions to Matt!!!
So careful!
Hard at work and getting messy!!!
Decorating our chocolate gingerbread house cake!!!
There's a hole in the middle of the cake and Eli filled it to the top with M's!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Snow fun!

We had snow much fun this weekend!!!
Zoey was so excited to shovel, she did a great job!
Zoey waiting at the top!
Eli wanted to make all the way up the hill!
Watch this tumble!!!
Eli was done sledding after that ride! He just wanted to watch!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Christmas decorating!

We put up our Christmas decorations this past weekend. We all had so much fun! Zoey and Eli were SO excited!!!
Eli said "I want to be a girl.", so he went and got a dress for the festivities! :)