Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Here's Zoey all dressed up and ready to trick-or-treat with Vincent and Ocean! The head and feet didn't last long! Posted by Picasa

Who has me?!?!

Zoey's not quite sure where she is or what's going on! She's in the arms of a beautiful princess! (This is Ocean, Stephanie and Todd's daughter) Posted by Picasa

The Crocodile Hunter

The Crocodile Hunter captured Zoey!!! Thankfully he released her when it was safe! (This is Vincent, Stephanie and Todd(our friends)'s son. He was Steve Irwin and Zoey was his crocodile!) Posted by Picasa


Zoey told us some spooky stories yesterday! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Zoey is starting to actually look at the camera and smile when we take pictures! Yea! We can see a little of her teeth when she smiles now... it is so cute! She enjoys sitting in her highchair and pulling on her socks/feet. She is starting to get excited about things and will "yell" and flap her arms when she is excited about something (i.e. getting picked up, seeing a cat, playing with a toy). It is so cute!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Zoey's new favorite toys

Here are Zoey's new favorites... yes, that is the phone and remote. She is mesmorized by them! Why do we spend money on toys?!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Zoey's first time playing at the park!

We took Zoey to the park today! It was such a beautiful day! Zoey had fun on the slide and swing! And watching the other kids!

Zoey on the playground

Matt took Zoey down the spiral slide right after this picture... she seemed to enjoy everything!

Just chilling.

Zoey was just hanging out in the swing and taking in the scenery!


Here's Zoey in mid-swing. She really liked swinging!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Well Hello, Chelsea!

Zoey has become so fascinated with the cats! When she sees them, she watches their every move... Chelsea is also getting more and more curious about Zoey. We're not letting her touch them though because she likes to grab and pull! Ouch!

Well Hello, Spike!

This is a funny picture... Zoey is looking so intently at the dinosaur!

Zoey's 2 front bottom teeth are coming in! Last Thursday I felt the tip of one of them and last night Matt noticed the other one! We are so excited! I'm a little sad also... no more toothless grins! Man, this all goes WAY to fast.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Zoey's first Illini game!

We went to the Illini game today. Zoey did a great job! Wally was wearing this crazy Illini hair and Zoey pulled it off of his head... so we put it on hers! She's on her way to being a true fan! Posted by Picasa

Jingling (or eating) keys... whatever works

Everyone jingles their keys when they punt the ball down the field. Luckily Zoey had her keys too! Posted by Picasa

Zoey at the game

Here's Zoey with the band in the background. Everyone thought she was so cute decked out in orange and blue! Posted by Picasa

Zoey's mini pumpkin

Here's Zoey and her little-size pumpkin! Posted by Picasa

So focused!

This ladybug on Zoey's exersaucer plays music and lights up when pushed. She will watch it over and over and over and over again. The lights are fascinating to her! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Pumpkin Patch

We went to Curtis Orchard on Monday. Zoey was very intrigued by all the pumpkins. We bought her a little tiny Zoey sized one for her first fall! I put up several more cute pictures!



This is a great picture of Zoey. She is actually looking at the camera!

What are these things?!

I love this funny face!

So cool!

Zoey really liked the stem!

First time in a wagon!

Weeee! (we didn't actually pull her in it... there's no way she would have stayed upright or in the wagon!)