Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Zoey rolled over from her back to stomach today! We were playing on the floor, she was laying on her back, I looked away for a second, and when I looked back she was on her stomach! I said, "Zoey, how did you get there?!"

We got a new camera this weekend and it takes MUCH better pictures than our old one does, so we've been taking pictures like crazy the past few days. Zoey's sleeping, so I'm putting several up!

Zoey's watching the leaves blowing in the wind in this picture.

Another funny story... Zoey's having some pooping problems, so we've been giving her prune juice the past couple days. She was sitting on Matt's lap at the table while I put some juice in a bottle. I put the bottle on the table, she leans forward, grabs it, and sticks it right in her mouth! She cracks us up each and every day!


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