Saturday, July 15, 2006

Zoey Turns 2 Months

Yo, everybody, Zoey is two months old today! Can you believe that.

She had here first bath without crying a few days ago. It was very surprising.

We knew that Zoey liked being outside to see all of the stuff, but we didn't find out until this week that she LOVES being outside. (We don't think she likes the trailer) We have been taking walks with her in the Snugli (back-or-front-pack carrier) and she loves them. Its great because we don't have to hold her the whole time and she gets to observe and listen. She drools all over the front of the Snugli. When we are done with the walks, its soaked.

She finally found her hands. She knows how to use them now. She has taken to sucking on her index fingers. And when she is in her bouncy seat she can grab on to the toys that hang on the arch over the bouncy seat. She just kinda flailed her arms about before.

In addition to drooling all over the Snugli, she drools all the time. She is sticking her tongue in and out pretty much all day long. It hilarious!

Abbey had a fun experience with Zoey at Meijer this week (Monday). We needed some groceries. So Zoey does her usual crying on the way down just to then fall asleep halfway there. So they get into the store and Zoey is fine for about 10 mins and then she gets hungry and cries. So Abbey feeds her. After eating, there was 3 minutes of peace. Then the bloody-murder screaming starts. She wouldn't calm down. Abbey tried holding her and bouncing her, but she just wanted to cry. Well that lasted all the way to the car for a total time of about 40 mins! Poor Zoey, and poor Abbey. That check out line was horrible for her. With everyone staring. Then she fell asleep in the car.

She had a great afternoon yesterday. She was talking and smiling at Abbey the whole time. We don't get too many 'Good' times. HaHaHa! So we try to enjoy them as much as we can.

That is all.


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